Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Notes from Class Episode 3

Notes from class

Things are goin' good in da hood
I'm gonna deliver like I said I would
got a test tomorrow in biology
this girl is shakin' my world,

Causes & Effect of Acid Rain
I am Batman and you are Bane

Nitrogen Dioxide accumulating on the dockside
& Sulfur Dioxide,
you want a ride? I got a big fat bona
fide conclusion, it's getting so hot people callin' it fusion
Things are so good I'm thinkin it's an illusion

Differences between evolution
survival of the fittest and natural selection
the superior genes are gonna win the next election
reproduction and adaptation
reconstruction and correlation
we're out of this world
bombardin' the space station

major types of terrestrial ecosystems
I'm full of puns and jokes & can't resist ems

goin' through life with no apology
I wanna study the relationship of you and our environment
to what extent, can this go on
it would be defined by saying it's mutualism
deviating light like that of a crystal prism
staying together unlike that of a schism
fur nism muh nism?

I've written out a plan like a scientific method
I'm gonna eat her like a ladybug and. an'. aphid.

My observation is simple
seduce the problem with my dimple
and I hypothesize that it would prove to be unwise to supersize your McDonald's fries
let's do some experiments like Morgan Spurlock
I'll let you be Captain James T. Kirk and I'll be your Spock
knock knock
who's there
I'm still Jenny
i'm still Jenny from the block

Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
why did I just reference that song?
that's a horrible song

Anyway back to the notes that I wrotes

conclusion and a theory
i'm not growin' weary
I just started
discovering new places

Characteristics and examples of Porifera
"Pore Bearing" like that of a sponge
If I were Kurt Cobain you'd be grunge
If I were a shape I'd be asymmetrical
If you were cnidaria you'd be electrical

...to be continued.

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