Friday, July 29, 2011


Just:  Got back from a date

Going: To the Bronco's training camp tomorrow

Took: Photo's of lightning

Reading:  The Way of the Wizard

Watching:  Lightning fall from the sky

Going to see the Pirate exhibit at the Museum of Science and Nature tomorrow, I am super stoked!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hellloooo Universe

So it's 9:30 in the morning I've had  2 cups of coffee planted two rows of echinacea, st. john's wart, and chamomile. Thought I'd make a post of some of my favorite pictures I took last year. Here we go:

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

May have just gotten west nile for the sake of a cool picture.

Turns out I love Planet Earth!


Like that's such a big surprise.
 But really, I'm talking about the blu ray series

Weird, odd dreams last night. But I won't bore you with those.

Currently Listening To:  Poison Diamonds by Adventure

Currently Reading: THE INTERNET IS A PLAYGROUND, by David Thorne

Currently Looking at:  Photos I took last year. Only one of these creatures is real, can you guess which one?!

Ok well you guessed it in this one! All of these ones are real!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Gardening, Painting, living, loving life.

Yep, this is a bear shark. The most fearsome creature in all walks of life.

I'm trying to force myself to eat some coffee and drink some cereal because I'm way too excited to get back out into the garden today.

So far everything has bloomed except for the beans and cucumbers. Pictures to follow!

Q: Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?

A: To get to the bottom!