Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sacred Path Card Reading

So I received a Sacred Card Reading a few weeks ago and here is what is said

This is what I'm bringing in.





The Moon Lodge card speaks of retreat. Take a break. Your influence cannot be felt at this time because you are in  need of replenishing your own energy. This is a barren time in a sense because you need to be alone and honor yourself for a change.

Retreat is not an act of weakness; it’s an act of strength. Without retreat, the future cannot take hold of the present. Make note that you are preparing for the time of fertile action by taking a rest now. Being alone at this time will allow you to do the things that give you joy without interference. Remember that miracles can happen when you repose and allow yourself to come to your new starting place in a gentle way.
with this power animal
 Elk (#3) ~ Stamina
"Elk wandered through the forest looking for a partner. The mating season was
in full swing, and the bucks that usually traveled with the other males had
dispersed to find mates for the season. As Elk bellowed his mating call through
the forest, his bugling alerted Mountain Lion that a feast could be in the making.
Mountain Lion circled Elk, getting closer to his prey moment by moment. Elk
sensed the impending danger when the forest grew suddenly silent. He broke for
the high country when he spotted his pursuer, but Mountain Lion was far
behind. As Elk made a running leap for the timberline, Mountain Lion gained on
him, but Elk continued to run onward, displaying tremendous stamina. Finally
Mountain Lion gave up, having spent his energy in spurts as he tried to jump over
boulders to reach Elk. Elk paced himself, making headway as he climbed
skyward toward the high country. Elk had no other defense except his ability to
go the distance, setting a pace that allowed him to utilize his stamina and energy
to the fullest.
Elk medicine teaches that pacing yourself will increase your stamina. Elk
medicine people may not be the first ones to arrive at a goal, but they always
arrive without getting burned out. If you have taken on too much recently, it
might be a good idea to look at how you plan to finish what you have started
without ending up in the hospital.
Elk have a curious kind of warrior energy because, except at mating time, they
honor the company of their own gender. They can call on the medicine of
brotherhood or sisterhood. In discovering the strength which is gained from
loving the gender that is your own, you will feel the comradeship that arises from
similarity of experience. This is a special medicine that allows the friendship of
others of your same sex to overcome potential competition or jealousy.
If you have picked Elk medicine, you may be telling yourself to seek the
company of your own gender for a while. You may need a support group to
realign yourself with the stamina of the warrior/warrioress energy that you are a
part of. This communication with others of your own sex allows you to air your
feelings in safety and to get feedback from others who have had the same
experiences. You may need a new sense of community - communication in unity.
Elk could also be telling you to look at how you are holding up physically to the
stresses in your life, and to pace yourself so that you maintain an equilibrium of
energy over the distance you plan to cover. Vitamins or high-energy foods may
be one solution, along with some personal quiet time for replenishment.

this is where I am going/currently 


Some type of wisdom is coming your way if you have chosen the North Shield card. You are now being asked to show gratitude for these new understandings in order to continue the growth process. Wisdom is one way in which you can experience the natural order of the universe and how it applies to your life.

Wisdom is an inner knowing that cannot be traded, sold, or stolen from you. Knowing is truth that has been experienced in your life. The North Shield tells you that you have learned a lesson and derived from it a sense of Self that will serve you for the rest of your life. The successful completion of this lesson should be marked by prayers and thanksgiving or acknowledged in gratitude. In so doing, you will have completed the circle of the Sacred Hoop and honored the source of that truth. Remember that the gift of wisdom is in the heart of the recipient and remains alive for as long as it is honored as a blessing.
with this animal medicine card
23 - Opossum: Diversion
Opossum's greatest form of protection is to play dead. In doing this Opossum
confuses many a predator into believing that the game is over. Oftentimes the confused
rival walks away or looks the other direction for a moment, and Opossum runs to safety.
(The message of this card pertains to the ego?)
Opossum medicine uses a great deal a strategy. If all else fails, Opossum plays
dead. (Disciplines) It has the ability to fight with its claws and teeth, but it rarely uses
this form of protection. Instead, the supreme strategy of diversion is constantly employed
when things get a little too hard to handle. Opossum has developed an act that would
receive an Academy Award in the animal kingdom. The must of the death scent is
excreted at will, adding to the master play that sends enemies on many trail of confusion.
If Opossum has turned up in your cards, you are being asked to use strategy in
some present situation. Rely upon your instincts for the best way out of a tight corner. If
you have to pretend to be apathetic or unafraid, do it. Oftentimes if you refuse to struggle
or show that hurtful words bother you, your taunter will see no further fun in the game.
warriors have used Opossum medicine for centuries, playing dead when the enemy nears
and outnumbers them. Then, in a flash, when the enemy is least expecting it, the war cry
is heard. The fright of this serves to further confuse the unsuspecting opposition. Victory
is sweet when the strategy is one of mental as well as physical prowess.
Opossum may be relaying to you that you are to expect the unexpected and be
clever in achieving your victory. This could be a victory over a bothersome salesman, a
nosy neighbor, or a persistent ego. In essence, Opossum is beckoning you to use your
brain (I add: as a tool for your heart. For the brain activity by itself will stimulate the ego.
The strategy is to get the ego thinking that it is to be the center of attention, and then
simply let the heart take over. Use your sense of drama and surprise to leap over some
barrier in your progress.
Future, what I need to work on 


The Stone People mark a time in which knowing will be revealed to you. Your personal records are held by these libraries of rock. Childhood memories may return and allow you to piece together a part of your personal puzzle. Memories of past lives or déjà vu could bring new awareness. Whatever the case, you are now in a position to know where you came from and where you are going.
The Stone Person card assist you in focusing your intent, dispelling confusion, changing habits, retrieving records from long ago, or getting grounded. Allow these teachers to become your Allies and discover a new world. Listen to the whispers of the mineral kingdom and your heart will know.
In all cases, the Stone People card asks you to open your mind because new understanding is coming your way. This knowledge is based on Earth-Records and may change the way in which you view life. These ancient friends are the oldest Children of the Earth and only asks us to stop and listen.

Animal Medicine Card: Snake

Transmutation. Snake medicine people are very rare. It's the medicine of cosmic consciousness. it
is the knowledge that things are equal in creation. You are a universal being .it embodies sexuality psychic, energy, alchemy, reproduction, ascension or mortality. You have power, intellect, charisma and leadership. Accept the power of the fire magic within you which is a change in consciousness. You have the power to create



Snake is a wise teacher.

She is the alchemist bringing great healing and rstorataive force.

She is asking you to shed your skin so that another can replace it.

In other words, be less resistant to change.

Like Snake, you must move in, over, under and through a situation in order to
restore balance and harmony.

She is asking you to coil and wrap yourself around a problem.

Then squeeze.


Snake can give you the ability to pinpoint and strike with immense force when

  Snake medicine people are very rare. Their initiation involves experiencing and
living through multiple snake bites, which allows them to transmute all poisons, be they
mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional. The power of snake medicine is the power of
creation, for it embodies sexuality, psychic energy, alchemy, reproduction, and ascension
(or immortality).
The transmutation of the life-death-rebirth cycle is exemplified by the shedding of
Snake's skin. It is the energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability to
experience anything willingly and without resistance. It is the knowledge that all things
are equal in creation, and that those things which might be experienced as poison can be
eaten, ingested, integrated, and transmuted if one has the proper state of mind.
Thoth, the Atlantian who later returned as Hermes and was the father of alchemy,
used the symbology of two snakes intertwining around a sword to represent healing.
Complete understanding and acceptance of the male and female within each organism
creates a melding of the two into one, thereby producing divine energy.
This medicine teaches you on a personal level that you are a universal being.
Through accepting all aspects of your life, you can bring about the transmutation of the
fire medicine. This fire energy, when functioning on the material place, creates passion,
desire, procreation, and physical vitality. On the emotional place, it becomes ambition,
creation, resolution, and dreams. On the mental place it becomes intellect, power,
charisma, and leadership. When this Snake energy reaches the spiritual plane, it becomes
wisdom, understanding, wholeness and connection to Great Spirit.
If you have chosen this symbol, there is a need within you to transmute some
thought, action, or desire so that wholeness may be achieved. This is heavy magic, but
remember, magic is no more than a change in consciousness. Become the magician or the
enchantress: transmute the energy and accept the power of the fire.

Snake is a reptile that is able to shed its skin and live through a traumatic lifedeath-
rebirth experience. So as life and with transmutation from one experience to
another, and from one level of existence to another.
Snake teaches you to recognize that you are an eternal being experiencing
mortality, you are constantly shedding anything that has served its purpose, in favor of
something which is of greater value.
Snake has transformational ability and supplies the power to use Fire energy in a
correct way. Continuity
Transmute all poisons. Shed the skin of the past. Honor the change in progress.

that was my physical reading

for my spiritual reading I got this

My Spiritual Gift I bring to the world is:


The Great Mystery card tells us the Original Source is the Creator of all life and that we are created in that likeness. We are free-willed co-creators who become the source of all we choose to experience in life. The buck stops here. We are totally responsible for all our joys and all our pain.
In receiving this card, you are being reminded to give gratitude for all of your lessons; it changes any pain to gain. Focus on your creative capacity and you can change anything. It may be time to drop any blame, shame or regret and take charge of your life. The victim role don’t suite two-leggeds. We are created in the image of an Infinite Creator and are therefore limitless co-creators.
In all cases, Great Mystery will continue to confound and astound us every time we try to figure it all out. Stop your mind’s chatter and listen to the Source. Original Source shows that the Mystery lives within us and contains all the answers we need to find along The Sacred Path. The Sacred Path of Beauty is experiencing the mystery of life without having to control the outcome from our tunnel-vision command post. Go with the flow and watch the glory of limitless co-creation. After all, Great Mystery is the Divine plan and everything is on schedule.

Animal: Horse

 Horse: Power
"Stealing horses is stealing power," was a statement made frequently in historical
native America and a reference to the esteemed role which Horse played in the native
cultures. Horse is physical power and unearthly power. In shamanic practices throughout
the world, Horse enables shamans to fly through the air and reach heaven.
Humanity made a great leap forward when Horse was domesticated, a discovery
akin to the of fire. Before Horse, humans were earthbound, heavy-laden, and slow
creatures indeed. Once humans climbed on Horse's back, they were as free and fleet as
the wind. They could carry burdens for great distances with ease. Through their special
relationship with Horse, humans altered their self-concept beyond measure. Horse was
the first animal medicine of civilization. Humanity owes an incalculable debt to Horse
and to the new medicine it brought. It would be a long walk to see one's brother or sister
if Horse had not welcomed the two-legged rider upon its back. Today we measure the
capacity of engines with the term "horsepower," a reminder of the days when Horse was
an honored and highly-prized partner with humanity.
Dreamwalker, a medicine man, was walking across the plains to visit the Arapaho
Nation. He carried with him his pipe. The feather tied into his long black hair pointed to
the ground, marking him as a man a peace. Over the rise of a hill, Dreamwalker saw a
herd of wild mustangs running toward him.
Black Stallion approached him and asked if he was seeking an answer on his
journey. Black Stallion said, "I am from the Void where Answers live. Ride on my back
and know the power of entering the Darkness and finding the Light." Dreamwalker
thanked Black Stallion and agreed to visit him when his medicine was needed in the
Yellow Stallion approached Dreamwalker next and offered to take him to the
East, where illumination lives. Dreamwalker could share the answers he found there to
teach and illuminate others. Once again, Dreamwalker thanked Yellow Stallion and said
he would use these gifts of power on his journey.
Red Stallion approached, rearing playfully. He told Dreamwalker of the joys of
balancing work and heavy medicine with the joyful experiences of play. He reminded
Dreamwalker that he could better hold the attention of those he taught when humor was
integrated with the lesson. Dreamwalker thanked him and promised to remember the gift
of joy.
Dreamwalker was nearing his destination. The Arapaho Nation was close at hand.
White Stallion came to the front of the herd. Dreamwalker mounted White Stallion's
back. White Stallion was the message carrier for all the other horses, and represented
Medicine Cards: Horse 2
wisdom in power. This magnificent horse was the embodiment of the balanced medicine
shield. "No abuse of power will ever lead to wisdom," said White Stallion. "You,
Dreamwalker, have made this journey to heal a brother in need, to share the sacred pipe,
and to heal the Mother Earth. You have the knowledge through humility that you are an
instrument of Great Spirit. As I carry you upon my back, you carry the needs of the
people on yours. In wisdom, you understand that power is not given lightly but awarded
to those who are willing to carry responsibility in a balanced manner."
Dreamwalker, the shaman, had been healed by the visit of the wild horses, and
knew that this purpose in coming to the Arapaho was to share these gifts with them.
In understanding the power of Horse, you may see how to strive for a balanced
medicine shield. True power is wisdom found in remembering your total journey.
Wisdom comes from remembering pathways you have walked in another person's
moccasins. Compassion, caring, teaching, loving, and sharing your gifts, talents, and
abilities are the gateway to power.
f your ego has gotten in the way, you may have failed to notice the lack of respect
you have been receiving from others. You may, on the other hand, be struggling with
others who are abusing their power. "Should I say something? Should I fight my desire to
put them in their place?" you may be asked. Remember the times in your own life when
you have fallen out of grace with Great Spirit, and then have compassion for the brothers
and sisters who are now doing the same. If you are overpowering another or feeling
overwhelmed, Horse medicine in both the dignified and contrary positions is a simple
reminder of how to balance your shields.
In allowing all pathways to have equal validity, you will see the power and glory
of the unified family of humanity. This is the gift of the Rainbow Warrior or Warrioress.
The "I" has no place in the Whirling Rainbow that comes from the Great Mystery and is
replaced by the universal "we." All colors of the rainbow and all pathways are honored as
Apply this knowledge and reclaim the power you have given away by forgetting to
come from compassion. Untangle yourself from the present situation and understand that
every human being must follow this pathway to power before galloping upon the winds of
Perhaps more than any other animal, the horse has been humanity's closest partner
in the animal kingdom. In ordinary reality, it has carried its rider over distances and made
communication possible. It has helped to shift heavy loads, and in the tilling of the soil.
In non-ordinary reality, the horse has carried the shamanic journeyer to communicate at
other realms of existence, to shifts of consciousness, and to till the soil of deeper levels of
the mind.
American Indians honored the horse as a sacred animal. In Britain and Northern
Europe, magikal fraternities once practiced both the natural and supernatural powers
associated with the cult of the horse.
As a power animal, Horse, is primarily a message carrier and is often concerned
with traversing "gateways." It is associated with the power and responsibility that comes
Medicine Cards: Horse 3
from exercising authority, and the wisdom required to use it in a balanced way. On an
emotional level, Horse is connected with the need for compassionate understanding.
Horse is related especially with the power of knowledge and wisdom and with
communication and sharing. Communicate.
Honor your medicine. Stand tall. Use your talents. Own who you are becoming.


In choosing the Shaman’s Death card, you are being put on notice that a death cycle or ending is in progress. Before the rebirth can occur, the habit, attitude, relationship, or part of Self that is dying must be looked at. Assist the process by continuously allowing the old to be removed. Let go and then make way for the new cycle of life to take hold.
Remember that you are creating fertile ground for new adventures when you are willing to let your old identities die. The rebirth cycle is always full of promise and growth when you allow the old patterns to die with dignity.
Animal Medicine Card:
Medicine Cards: Dolphin

40 - Dolphin: Manna

Dolphin speaks to us of the breath of life, the only thing that humans cannot go
without for more than a few minutes. We can live without water and food for days, but
oxygen is the source of our sustenance. Within the breath we encounter the rhythm of
energy that all life emits. In changing the rate or rhythmic texture of our breath, we can
tap into any other life form or creature. This is a very easy way to connect with divine
energy coming from the Great Spirit, as well as with your own personal rhythms.
Dolphin is the keeper of the sacred breath of life, and teaches us how to release
emotions through Dolphin breath. Dolphin creates rhythm, swimming through the water
and breathing before submerging, then holding its breath for the duration of underwater
travel. As Dolphin comes above the water again, it blows its breath out in a manner
resembling the popping of a cork. We can use this same technique to pull the stopper on
our tensions and create total relaxation. This is a good exercise to use before entering the
Manna is life force. Manna is present in every atom, and is Great Spirit's essence.
Dolphin teaches us how to use life-manna through our breath. It revitalizes each cell and
organ, and breaks the limits and dimensions of physical reality so that we may enter the
Dolphin was traveling the oceans one day as Grandmother Moon was weaving the
patterns of the tides. Grandmother Moon asked Dolphin to learn her rhythms so that he
could open his female side to her silvery light. Dolphin began to swim to the rhythm of
her tide weaving, and learned to breathe in a new way. As Dolphin continued to use this
new rhythm, he entered the Dreamtime. This reality was a new and different place from
the seas he had known.
Dolphin came to discover underwater cities in the Dreamtime, and was given the
gift of primordial tongue. This new language was the sound-language that was brought
by Spider from the Great Star Nation. Dolphin learned that all communication was
pattern and rhythm, and that the new aspect of communication was sound; he carries this
original pattern to this day. Dolphin returned to the ocean of the Great Mother, and was
very sad until Whale came by and told Dolphin that he could return to be a messenger to
the Dreamtime dwellers anytime he felt the rhythm and used his breath. Dolphin was
given a new job. He became the carrier of messages of our progress. The Dreamtime
dwellers were curious about the children of Earth, and wanted us to grow to be at one
with Great Spirit. Dolphin was to be the link.
If Dolphin has appeared to you today, frothing through the waves of your spread,
you are to be a link to some solution for the Children of Earth. This can be a time when

Medicine Cards: Dolphin

you are to link with Great Spirit and bring answers to your own question or to those of
others. In addition, this can mean a time of communication with the rhythms of nature.
You are put on notice to be mindful of your body rhythms and the pattern of energy being
fed to you from the Creator. Imitate Dolphin and ride the waves of laughter, spreading
joy in the world. Breathe and experience the manna so freely given. Break existing
barriers and connect to the Dreamtime or Great Star Nation. Know that we are all whole
in the eyes of the Everliving One.

Dolphin is a beautiful, gregarious mammal with a beaked mouth, and is found in
all the oceans of the world. In American Indian cosmology Dolphin is the Keeper of the
Sacred Breath which contains the prana/mana life force, which is the Essence of Great
Spirit. As a power animal therefore, Dolphin is associated with the rhythm of energy
within Nature and with your own body, and with revitalization.
Dolphin is symbolic of breath. By changing the rhythm of our breathing, we can
tune into other living things in the universe. This is why rhythmic breathing is so
Dolphin is concerned also with communication which, again, involves pattern and
rhythm, and especially with sonics and with sonic harmonization. It is also associated
with dreams and dreaming, and indicates that you should explore the oceans of your own
dreaming and examine carefully what you see there. Dolphin will help you to decipher
their meanings. The breath of life.

Breathe. Take in life force. Accept the gift of usable energy. Touch the invisible.

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